Thursday 29 September 2011


The problem of insecurity in two refugee-populated areas of Kenya: Kakuma, in the north-west of the country, and Dadaab, in the north-east as well as urban refugees ,It provides a typology of the security incidents which occur most commonly in these areas and examines the steps which UNHCR and other humanitarian organizations have taken to address the problem. Explaining why these measures have failed to reduce the high level of violence that takes place in and around the country's refugee camps, the article focuses on three related issues of insecurity;

  •  the Kenyan state security
  • the manner in which the UNHCR and other instituation have not sought to manage the country's  insecurity refugee situation; 
  •  The terroristic acts organized crimes from Ethiopia government"
as well as one  issue of most sever insecurity refugees in kenya are those who fled from  the neighboring country such  ethiopia  , these  refugee  especially  Ogaden refugee community is the most  figures traget  community  of insecurity because of well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of supporter in a particular social group and political opinion, and unable or afraid to return to that country."Ethiopia.

Kenya was the safest Refugee hub of the horn Africa, now becomes the hub of organised and politicised crimes from new wave of  Refugee from Ogaden ethiopia Those people who fled from ethiopia Regime of Dictator Meleze Zenawe ,The EPRDF  who want to vitiate and target anyone suspected to be against their political programme.

 This comes after some members of us were killed in Nairobi, Garissa and IFO Refugee Camp in what is confirmed to be an extension of the conflict between the Ogaden people and Ethiopia government.

We reported to UNHCR that Ethiopian government spies and assassins have followed us into Kenya.” This was in reference to the killing of an Ogaden refugee in IFO Refugee camp, Garissa Town and Nairobi’s Eastleigh estate;
·         On February 5 2011, unknown assailants shot dead Kamas Dhabar Jibarte, while seriously wounding Roble Muse in IFO- Dadaab Refugee Camp in Northern Eastern Kenya.
·         On February 18 2011, Sh. Mohamed Dubad was assassinated in Garissa, the Capital of Kenyan North Eastern Province.
·         On June 20, 2011, Mr. Abdi Abdullahi was abducted in Nairobi and he was found strangled the next day, dumped near an isolated depot.
·         On August 19 2011, Abdirizak Mohamed Abdi (Tiba), was shot in IFO- Dadaab Refugee Camp in Northern Eastern Kenya. Although the Murderer is in the Nairobi High Court, after the Further investigations regarding the other assassination cases were confirmed the murderer from Ethiopia government"
·         On September  5, 2011 , Abdi Kafi  Ismail  was abducted in Nairobi  and  edited that Abdi Kafi was killed  by the Ethiopian Somali language websites .

PS: There are countless threatens from ethiopia wecurity agencies especially  ethiopia embassy  in kenya  to Ogaden refugees Community members ,

Ogaden Refugee Community (ORC) is requesting Durable solution to consider relocating us to a safer third country because there are common thread of  more assassinations, abduction and also threats against Ogaden refugee Community living in Kenya both urban refugees and Refugee in refugee camps is that all the deceased were outspoken opponents of the Ethiopian regime of at one time or another. The terroristic acts organized crimes from Ethiopia government"

Dr. Mohamed
Ogaden Refugees Rights Activists
Former Ogaden Chairperson Of
Ogaden Refugee Community [ORC] Kenya


  1. I am Dr. Mohamed would like to announce you that you can comment your views in this blog thanks

  2. I am one of Ogaden refugee Community declare that this is true and fact file of ogaden refugees' right .
    I say thanks dr. Mohamed

  3. this is the true and facts file about ogaden refugees in kenya

  4. The Kenyan authorities and the refugee agencies must stop these criminal attacks against refugees from the Ogaden region, it seems like Ethiopia wants to further terrorize these refugees having uprooted them from there homes in the Ogaden already.

  5. I one of the high renking ogaden refugee community in kenya we know more thinking about the insecurity situation the refugee from ogaden we requested so many time to protect the kenyan gov,refugee,s from ogaden but unfortunitelly still we did,nt get any security access and also we will not willing it, but we will never ever to stoped talking about until to die or to get protect thtnk you all BY,Mr, UDUB LA ASLAY
