Thursday 25 August 2011


Kenya was the safest Refugee hub of the horn Africa, now becomes the hub of organized and politicized crimes from new wave of Refugee from Ogaden Ethiopia Those people who fled from Ethiopia Regime of Dictator Meleze Zenawe, The EPRDF who want to vitiate and target anyone suspected to be against their political programme.

The irony here is that Kenyan police are unable to grasp what is going on behind the scene and they are a victim of assassinated and manipulated crimes from The Ethiopia Security Agency group that is using all possible avenues to misuse the system.

Kenya hosted thousands of Ogaden Refugee from Ogaden in Ethiopia and they have made their home refugee camps and also urban refugee in Kenya , but the real problem Ethiopia is dishonoring that and international human rights acting on the opposite.
Since UWSLF (EX-Alitahad) made an agreement with Ethiopia and laid down their longstanding insurgent operations, Ethiopia has been radicalized as result of that, and since displayed more signs of extremism.
Finally the real matter was Ogaden refugee survives out of this? The answer is “NO” because it happened victim of ideological warfare assassination from Ethiopian Government mindsets.
  • An assassin has shot Mr. Abdirizak Mohamed Abdi (Tiba), a community leader from Ogaden under the protection of the UN and the Kenyan government in IFO refugee camp in Kenya on August 19 2011 at noon. Mr. Abdi was fifty years old. He left behind three daughters and six boys.
The assassin initially escaped from the scene, but the Kenyan Police apprehended him later. Reports reaching ORC (Ogaden Refugee Community) indicate that several cohorts were assisting the culprit. The assassin tried to resist arrest, wounding a Kenyan police officer, but was finally overpowered and placed in custody. The identity of the assassin and his motive is under investigation. Another suspect who was captured by the police.This is the fourth killing of a refugee from the Ogaden in Kenya this year.
  • On February 5 2011, unknown assailants shot dead Kamas Dhabar Jibarte, while seriously wounding Roble Muse in IFO- Dadaab Refugee Camp in Northern Eastern Kenya.
  • Then, on February 18 2011, Sh. Mohamed Dubad was assassinated in Garissa, the Capital of Kenyan North Eastern Province. Three months later,
  • in June 20, 2011, Mr. Abdi Abdullahi was abducted in Nairobi and he was found strangled the next day, dumped near an isolated depot. Although the investigations regarding those cases are still on going, no one was arrested yet.
The common thread in all these assassinations is that all the deceased were outspoken opponents of the Ethiopian regime of Mêlées Zenawe at one time or another. The terroristic acts against Ogaden political figures and refugee in the neighboring countries will escalate the already deleterious conflict to new dimensions and endanger the security of the whole region.

DR.MOHAMED ,Activists of Ogaden Refugees' Rights says ” We urge UNHCR and other international institutions to understand the only durable solution of Ogaden Refugee Community in Kenya both Urban refugee and Refugee in Refugee Camps is Resettlement of Third country because of Ogaden Refugee community in Kenya is under threat of more assassination and organized crimes from Ethiopia government”

Your Confidentially

Dr. Mohamed
Ogaden Refugees Rights.
Chairperson of
Ogaden Refugee Community[ORC] Kenya

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